Wanted to give you an update with all of the flooding going on around us. Camp survived well - the only major problem we had was that the driveway washed out. Mazomanie (for those living by the creek) did not fare so well. We have heard that there was over a foot of water running down the main street in downtown Mazo. Many of the homes along the creek have flooded basements and worse.We have 7 horses at camp on a temporary basis due to their stable being flooded.
Both bridges on HWY 14 in Black Earth are not usable and won't be open for the rest of the year. For anyone driving to camp for off-season programs, you'll need to take HWY KP from Cross Plains to Mazomanie.
We have had several people email to ask about helping out. Our local bank has set up a fund to help the families that did not have flood insurance and if you'd like to donate, here is a link https://www.gofundme.com/mazomanie-area-flood-assistance
We are getting ready to start our fall programs at camp. We have several Girl Scout groups, Mother/Daughter Weekends, Able Trek Tours (a group of adults with special needs that has been coming each fall), our annual Christmas party (hosted by the Hoofbeat minis), and Christmas Camp.
The Minis Christmas Party is scheduled for December 15th and is a day camp. We will be posting the application and opening registration soon through our website.
Christmas Camp only has 10 spots left and runs from December 28-January 1st. Each year we have tons of fun at Christmas Camp and it's a great way to check out overnight camp for girls ages 8-15.
Early bird registration for 2019 Resident Camp will be available in the next couple of weeks.
We will be working on getting the 2019 Day Camp early bird registration ready and will send out an email once it's set.
Take care and we hope you and your family have a great start to the school year!